Apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone
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Nice Apartment in Primorsky District is located in Odessa, 3.2 km from the city center, 4.1 km from Potemkin Stairs and 3.5 km from Arcadia Beach. The apartment has a bedroom, kitchen, bathroom. The bedroom has a TV, air conditioning, wardrobe. Heating and internet throughout the apartment. There are parking spaces for cars in the yard. The kitchen has everything you need for self-catering. The cafe is located 700 meters from the apartment. Hot and cold water supply round the clock. The distance to the apartment "in the Primorsky district" from the bus station is 4.8 km; from the railway station - 2 km; from the airport - 7.6 km.

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Odesa, prospekt Gagarina, 11 square
  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 14:00 - 23:00 hours. Check leaving: to 07:00 - 12:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    07:00 - 23:00
    Children and extra beds
    Additional seats are not provided.
  • Information about nutrition

    The kitchen has everything you need for self-catering. The cafe is located 700 meters from the apartment.
  • Distance to object:
    City center g. Odessa ~ 3.2км
    Bus stations g. Odessa ~ 4.8км
    Railway stations g. Odessa ~ 2.0км
    Airports g. Odessa ~ 7.6км
    Beaches Arkadiya ~ 3.5км
  • Travel information

    From the railway station by minibus №242 to the stop "Prospekt Gagarina". Then after 160 m turn right onto Gagarina Avenue.
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 14:00 - 23:00 hours. Check leaving: to 07:00 - 12:00 hours.
    More information about Apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone.
    🏨 How many apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone rooms?
    Total in apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone 1 room.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone?
    For guests apartment Horoshaya kvartira v Primorskom rayone the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
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